
How To Gain More Strength If You’re Over 40 Years Old

I just read a statistic…you lose 10-15% of your strength every 10 years. 

That doesn’t sound like much, but think about it. 

If you want to put a 20-pound suitcase in the overhead compartment of a plane in your 70s or 80s, that means you should be able to put up a 50-pound suitcase in your 50s. 

Would you be able to do it with confidence? 

Or would you have to ask for help? 

I can’t help but think of all our Thrive members who travel…what do they do? 

Do they travel independently? 

Do they get anxious and call the airlines ahead of time to prepare their check-in and walk to the gate? 

At what point do you draw the line and start working on your strength, properly?

Not like you did when you were in high school or college. 

If you noticed that the activities that used to be easy for you are now harder to do, or take a bigger toll on your body, you’re already feeling strength decline that comes with age. 

Yard work. 

Getting up and down from the chair.

Going for walks at the end of the day. 

Easy things that you used to do in the past.

Now for the GOOD news. 

You can slow, or even reverse, those strength declines by adding strength training to your schedule just a few days a week. 

If you’re like me you’ll do whatever it takes to prevent strength loss. 

It’s not an aesthetic thing…although at times it can be…but it’s ultimately to keep those freedoms as long as I can. 

I want to live my life easier, feel healthier, and have the things I want to do all “within arms reach.” 

If you already walk, jog, or do some type of cardio exercise around your neighborhood…freakin’ awesome. 

That is an important part of your overall fitness… don’t stop. 

But that’s not strength training…

As the saying goes, “Strength is gained in the ranges trained.”

If you never bend your knees or use resistance with your upper body, you’ll lose that ability over time. 

For example, because you walk miles and miles every day, you’ll probably be able to walk a marathon…but you won’t be able to bend a knee onto the floor without assistance. 

So what should you do right now? 

Click this link…these are 7 functional moves you can practice at home so you can start your strength training journey. 

Also, to unlock a FREE 2-week membership of personal strength training with our team of trainers at Thrive Training, reply “STRENGTH” to the email below.

Can’t wait to chat. 


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