
How To Improve Balance And Stability As You Age

Share exercises and techniques to enhance balance and prevent falls.

When you hit a certain age you start to lose your physical ability to do certain things.

It could be…

…getting up and down from the floor.

…putting on your socks without a struggle.

…moaning and groaning while getting up from a chair.

…almost tripping over yourself while walking.

And the last one of “almost tripping” is the most scariest ones of all.

I think we’ve all heard the stories of an elderly friend tripping over a rug, breaking their hip then ending up in the hospital after surgery…never to overcome that injury.

Their life changed.
Sometimes, as bad as it sounds, they never make it out of the hospital.

This is the reason why health and fitness is so important.

Not everyone can go to a gym and workout, but with some digging and focused effort, a properly programmed fitness routine can be established.

You can work on a proper warm up you can do everyday…this can help stimulate your body.

Stimulating your body in 3-planes of motion can immensely improve your balance.

People often think the only way to improve their balance is by practicing single leg balances for hours and hours.

This is not true.

One must understand we live in 3 dimensions.
To improve one plane of motion, say walking, you must train the body in the other 2 dimensions.

This will allow our muscles to stabilize in all planes of motion finally working together as one.

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