
Inside The Mind Of Oliver Nam

The Battle is Won Between the Ears

Every Sunday, I put extra time on my laptop to look at my calendar.
I try to reserve at least an hour during the nighttime to go over what I’m about to face the upcoming week. 

I always remind myself, “The battle is won between the ears”…you’ve heard that before and you’ll hear me say that to members. 

So many times if we just prepare and stay the course, we’ll succeed and get to any goal. But a lot of the time, we get distracted because our thoughts tell us “there’s a better way” or the “grass is greener on the other side.” 

It’s your mindset.
And for your health and fitness, this is the most important thing to control. 

A quote that comes to mind is “Memorable is Portable.” When you remember something you’ll carry it with you, which means you’re much more likely to live it. 

When you signed up with Thrive, that excitement of starting something new was a real thing.
I’m sure many of you felt that buzz and truth be told, that buzz will not last forever. 

But in reality, our team has constructed things in place to teach you ideas and concepts that are easy to remember and give you the ability to carry them with you….many times it’s a cup, a sticker, or something to put on your refrigerator (keep an eye out for this one). 

Here are some points that are ringing true about mindset so you can with the battle between your ears. 


It’s all about the feeling that you deserve the success you’re achieving. What’s the point of trying to be successful when you get close you self-sabotage yourself, because deep down you feel like you don’t deserve it. 

The best way to go through mental pain and anguish is to believe you’re NOT worthy of achieving your goal.

You are…you just need to consistently tell yourself, “Why not me?”

I don’t mean to get on a “personal development” rant, but imagine if everyone at Thrive believed in themselves. Believed that they deserved to lose the extra weight…believed they could keep the weight off…believed in themselves to keep it off forever. 

Imagine all the new members you could inspire and build up when they walked in the door. 

Imagine if you were totally accepting of all your flaws but still knew you deserved great fitness success. 

I’ve had my own personal acceptance issues in my journey…stuff is not easy…still go through my own ups and downs…but with certain things I fully believe I deserve, it’s amazing how things start to change. (The most have come through my marriage with Lindsey). 

Please don’t beat yourself up about your fitness level until you’ve done some true self-acceptance. 


We’re all going to face challenges, hurdles, and setbacks with our fitness. 

I definitely have my own and that’s why you’ll hear me talk about my back issues.
It’s a setback, but it doesn’t define me. 

I have so much scar tissue and arthritis there that there’s no getting around it, it’s reality. But I’ve grown to not wallow in it anymore.

It’s all about MOVING ON quickly from the setback. 

Here’s an example I’m working on with my 7-year-old daughter Ella…I call it “time the despair”:

When she gets upset or angry at something, like when her younger sister draws all over her artwork, she usually gets super pouty…she gets into a funk. 

This is what I do so she can move on.

I give her my phone and put it on the stopwatch mode.
I ask her, “Are you ready?”…and then she pushes start. 

She now knows she can stay pouty and miserable as long as she wants, but when she’s ready to move on, she presses stop, and it’s time to move on. 

She stops being upset at the incident. 

She starts focusing on moving on. 

She’s allowed to sit there and stare at the timer, which usually lasts 30-45 seconds until she pushes the stop button.

I see it in her face…her eyes change. 

She starts to breathe a bit deeper. 

Just a strategy we use for her to move on to the next. 

On the flip side, when you have your wins, celebrate them with all your heart…but move on. 

There’s more to accomplish. 


Here’s the final thing that pushing me mentally right now. 

Let’s go.
You’ll hear me scream that in a class…

You’ll hear me scream that to myself…

It’s my battle cry. 

LET’S GO simply means…go take action.
Don’t think…just go. 

If you sit still, nothing is going to happen.
If you need to workout more, go.
If you need to eat better, go get better food. 

Here’s the thing…you probably know all the things you need to do to feel better…you just need to be reminded to get going. 

So go. 

Without moving, success is impossible.

The most successful members of THRIVE are the people who are action-takers. 

That’s the secret sauce…get going and get moving….LETS GO. 

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