
Irvine’s Holistic Approach to Fitness

We have a saying here at Thrive…“The heaviest weight we have is our front door.” 

It’s true…let me explain. 

Before people start working out, they worry about what exercises they’re going to do…

They worry about the exercises they’re unsure of…

They’re conscious and anxious about how they’re going to look walking around the gym…

…which are all legitimate concerns. 

What they don’t understand is they have to face the heaviest weight all gyms have….the front door.

No one can help you if you don’t show up…you need to take the first step. 

Here’s my belief…

The fitness industry should meet you where you’re at and guide you to your goals safely and efficiently. 

We need to help you look at fitness as a reward, a blessing, and something you’re capable of doing…not forced to do. 

Let me tell you this…

Your lack of motivation is not because you’re mentally weak. 

Everyone goes through this. 

Your “failure in the past” of staying committed to working out is not your fault. 

I honestly think it’s the fitness industry’s fault for not having things in place for everyone. 

But there are things you can do to help put yourself in the best proper mindset to get in consistently, at least 2 to 3 times a week. 

It’s strategy…and we’re doing everything we can do to put you in the best position to succeed. 

I’ve intentionally painted the colors of our walls to encourage happiness, ease, and calmness.
I realize most are anxious before they even walk in the door…this can help. 

We have your name on the door so you know where to go and you’re not walking blindly into a studio.

We do this because we want you to know we’re ready for you and we have your back.

We’ll give you a tour of the studio so you know the lay of the land.
We’ll sit and talk about your health history, your injuries, assess your movement, but more importantly, your goals. 

Your goals tell us what your WHY is. 

It could be more quality time with your family. 

It could be to walk your daughter down the aisle. 

Maybe it’s being able to pick up your grandkids without fear of throwing out your back.
It can be as simple as being able to get up and down from the floor without fear of falling over.

We need to know where you want to go so we can help guide you safely and efficiently. 

And here’s the most important part…we keep you accountable.

How many of you have started a workout and nutrition program but stopped, then started up again? 

This yo-yo fitness or yo-yo diet is so disheartening and can be demoralizing.
That’s why we have a specific person in our business to keep you accountable…to remind you why you’ve committed to working out.

This is the most important aspect of what we do.

Accountability = Success. 

If you’ve read this far you may have realized I haven’t mentioned anything about what exercises we do…what program we’ll put you through…what kind of sets and reps we’ll ask you to perform.

Getting people to move and workout is somewhat simple once we get you in the right mindset and in the right environment. 

Don’t psych yourself out so much that you don’t even start. 

Working out is the easy part. 

Finding the right community that will support and keep you accountable is the hardest part…but if we’ve done our job correctly, we’ll have you feeling like a rockstar even before your first workout. 

– Oliver 

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