

Week of Wellness!! Keep it going!!!

I know things are getting a little crazy out there, but let?s focus on all of the things that we have 100% control over.

These last several days of the Week of Wellness is all about keeping yourself as healthy as possible and keeping your immune system strong.

Don?t forget about our daily LIVE STREAM WORKOUTS every morning at 9am Monday-Friday. Oliver will be posting the link for the workout by 8:50a on our Inner Circle (private) FB page so you can join in.

Join the community on our Facebook Private Community (just search THRIVE Training Community?in FB) and we’ll add you.?
Immune building tip of the day – everyday going forward I?m going to share an immune system building tip with you and then give you a challenge for that day.

Today?s tip is to stay HYDRATED!

I know you?ve heard us talk about it before in regards to fat loss or just general health, but theres a reason HYDRATION always comes up, it?s that important!

Every cell in your body requires a certain level of hydration, so if you are not drinking enough water, your body will not ?perform? at optimal levels.

Drink water water throughout the day is going to help your body:

  • Deal with stress
  • Improve digestion
  • Aid in the detoxification process
  • Help you not eat as much
  • Help you recover from your 9a LIVE STREAM workout!

And do one better?if you?re on social media, tag us @thrivetrainingirvine?with your water bottle and tell us how much water you?re drinking!?

Or just take a simple picture and text it to me!

Miss you all! Stay focused and stay committed to your health.?

– Oliver

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