
Why Small Group Beats Going It Alone

If there’s one thing I know about working out, it’s this.

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” 

I always look at our members as a long-term relationship. 

Working out with us is not a “fad” workout…I truly work for it to be a lifestyle.
A place where people can stay accountable and motivated for years.

I want to make sure there is absolutely no “yo-yo fitness” in their lives…those are the most disheartening experiences for people. 

Being part of a fitness community, sweating and pushing each other…going through hard times together…this can be so motivating and inspiring for a person. 

Not only does it bring out good, healthy competition with each other, but it keeps you accountable to your own goals. 

Being around like-minded people who want you to succeed…a sense of belonging is something that’s missing in the fitness industry. 

Most people haven’t worked out in years…probably since high school.
Most of them have kids and different stressors in their lives…their bodies and minds are not the same. 

How can we expect someone to push themselves the same way?
How can we expect someone to lose weight and look like you were in high school when they’re over 40?

I’m not going to say it’s impossible, but it’s highly unlikely. 

Being around people who are going through the same experiences in life will give you realistic goals that mean much more than the weight scale.

You’ll learn different values. 

You’ll talk to people and receive support you didn’t realize you needed…you’ll create a lifestyle your kids and grandkids can appreciate. 

I just saw a video on Facebook showing grandparents showing up to their grandkid’s home and they were hugging, smiling, and simply ecstatic to be around each other. 

Then the video pans into the home where the grandpa is throwing the little boy into a ball pit, then crouching over to pick him up. The grandma is lying next to the granddaughter, on the floor, playing with dolls and a kitchen set.

I think we take these simple acts for granted when we’re younger. 

Throwing things without fear of throwing out your back. 

Crouching down to the floor and picking something up. 

Lying on the floor and being able to lie there comfortably without pain. 

As crazy as it sounds, this is why small group beats going at it alone.

Small group keeps you accountable.
When you don’t feel like working out…you go anyways…you have your friends there waiting for you.

Small group gives you detailed work with the proper team watching over you.
I truly believe the level of detail is lost when there are too many people in the class…you get lost in the shuffle and it’s just a free-for-all and a “I can’t be doing this right…I hope I don’t get injured doing this!” 

Small group gives you a supportive community. 

Yes, people can accomplish goals by themselves and they can do it efficiently.  

But history shows if you do it in a community of like-minded people, you have a better chance of sticking to it longer throughout the years.

Trust me, there are good people out there who simply want you to succeed and have a better quality of life.

– Oliver 

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